Hull, United Kingdom

High Poly-Low Poly Crate

This week we were tasked with learning how to make High poly and low poly assets ready for Uv unwrapping and texture baking which we will be doing next week.

Before I started making the crate I set up my grid properly since I had not done it yet and I can now see where my main Gridlines are and I know how far apart they are.

To start making the high poly crate I wanted to model the wooden handle slat first so I used a cylinder to start modeling the handle hole for the crate which I did run into an issue but its because I kept hitting the “S” key which added in a keyframe so I just unmapped that key completely to fix it since I won’t be using Setkey very much at the moment.

To create the rest of the wooden slats for the crate I just used the vertex snapping which we learned this week to snap a cube around the already created wooden handle slat to get the same thickness and size and then I just moved it down below the handle slat and duplicated it two more times for the rest of the slats for that side and then I beveled all the slats with 3 loops to give it a more proper look.

To create the other side I just mirrored it across and to change the distance it would be mirrored I moved the pivot points to the center of the grid.

Making the other two sides of the crate all I had to do was take one of the existing slats and they just scale them up to the size I needed, duplicate them down, and mirror the whole thing across to the other side I also did the same for the base of the crate.

To make the metal sides for my crate I decided to make a cube and vertex snap that cube to the outside of the crates sides then I added in two loop cuts and vertex snapped those ones to the inside of the crate and deleted the rest of the polygons so that the corner was the same thickness of the crate.

One I had the corner the right shape I moved it diagonally so that it was slightly clipping into the crate but only slightly, then I changed the thickness of the corner to be a bit more of a metal plate.

To create the to and bottom of the Metal corners I extruded over top of the crate and then vertex snapped the edges to be in line and more box like.

Fully finished High poly version of the crate

To create the low poly versions of the box I mostly just vertex snapped cubes around the high poly versions as this was sufficient enough to create them however for the handle I decided to create a Boolean object and cut out a hole for the handle instead of modeling it all again.

Now When I booleened nothing went wrong but I had to step away for a while so I saved and when I came back later this is what awaited me I’m 98% sure its because I did not Delete all by type history so I will remember this for the next time I boolean.

Full low poly versions which were all just vertex snapped around the high poly ones.

Super High Poly version of the crate its the high poly version turbo smoothed.