Hull, United Kingdom

Month: November 2020

Conceptual Design Ideas

To begin with a small word cloud of ideas was created with the 6 words chosen that relate to the poster and subject area I also created some graphics for a portion of those words that could be turned into visual imagery. Using my word cloud I chose some of the words I wanted to…
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Poster Subject, Purpose & Audience

For the assignments poster it’s going to be a certain promotional piece for an animation that might be created in the future and the project will be about Science Fiction which means the audience is going to be roughly 18-34 years of age since that seems to be the most common age of science fiction…
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Textures and shading

For week 6’s module lessons We were tasked with learning shaders, lights, and the renderer but before that, we had to model an art scene and I won’t go in-depth about how I modelled it since it was just extruding and beveling primitives but I’ll share a few screenshots to show some progress. Once I…
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Purpose and Audience

This week we were tasked with analyzing an existing visual design within our subject area and for this, I chose the Guardians Of The Galaxy movie posters since my subject area is Sci-Fi. I chose to look at both films movie poster to see the differences between them as you can see they are both…
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