Hull, United Kingdom

Conceptual Design Ideas

To begin with a small word cloud of ideas was created with the 6 words chosen that relate to the poster and subject area I also created some graphics for a portion of those words that could be turned into visual imagery.

Using my word cloud I chose some of the words I wanted to try and use within the posters to create some very rough draft posters to get a sense of what my posters might look like in the end.

In the first draft poster, I tried using the words conflict and planet and I sketched what I wanted the poster to look like as plain as it can be so there is a spaceship heading for the planet and a larger spaceship with missile battery’s sort of pointing down at it

The second poster on the other hand used less obvious words such as Injury, danger, and crash and two of these words are not on my word cloud because when I went to start drawing this draft poster did I really think about the words that constructed it.

For the draft posters, inspiration was taken from other science fiction posters such as Star Trek Into Darkness (Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) – IMDb, 2020) which features a crashing spaceship with a planet in the background which tells you what happens in the film but is not conceptual which is what its all about.

(Figure 1)

After some thought I think I know the key elements I want to focus weather they be obvious or not in the final poster so I created a new word board with those words as to remind myself what it is I am aiming for when it comes to the final poster.

I think the things I want to convey the most are Hope, Danger and conflict as those three words will make up the basis for my final posters design because my core idea hinges on those three words.

create word cloud with these new words please


IMDb. 2020. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) – Imdb. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 22 November 2020].