Hull, United Kingdom

Post 11: Round Table Creation

The first asset I wanted to make out of my 10 was my hero asset which was the round table that the knights sit around and it had massive inspiration from a reference image I found on the internet which was from a tv series called once upon a time (Round Table, 2020) and it features a large stone in the middle of the round table which I found really cool so I knew that that’s what I wanted to do.

When Starting with the construction of the round table I used the best primitive for the job which was a cylinder but originally I made it 24 edges however in its creation I cut that down to 12 since that’s the number of people I wanted to sit around the table and when I finished its creation I realize this has given it a unique look like they could not get the table perfectly round.

At one point I had the legs for the round table as planks of wood in the shape of a cross but I didn’t like the look of that so I eventually changed it to a round one.

This is the unique look I was talking about its technically round but you can also see rge twelve slices to the pizza sort of speak.

I experimented with designs to the top of the table to see what I could do this particular one was to see if I could make small bridges in the table however this did not work out so well and I scrapped the idea.

The Design I went with for the top of the round table was one that consolidated the 12 pieces of the pizza more clearly.

I tried having the base of the round table connected to the top of it but it proved to be quite difficult to keep it that way so I disconnected it in the end and had the middle a massive cut-out so the rock when I made it would be resting on the ground.

I also from this point on kept cutting the table into a quarter so I didn’t have to edit as much and I could just mirror and combine I did this repeatedly.

I actually liked the end result of the round table it retained the unique look of it being round but not perfectly round which is defiantly the best part of the table in my opinion.

The textures for my round table and most of the other assets are rather simple and I reused alot of them for other assets since I feel like you would used the same materials and such for them.

For the round table, it was completely made out of wood, and at first, I was going to make the raised parts that separate the sections metal but I couldn’t do it cleanly in substance so I just left it wood I was also going to add more detail to the wood like engravings and designs but I was not sure what to do so, in the end, I scrapped the idea since I’m not very good at texturing and designing looks/pattens to things.

As for the rock in the center, I just gave it a basic rock texture and I also thought of adding a hole in the middle for Excalibur but I had no idea how to do that texture-wise.

Originally I made a rock in blender following a tutorial that I knew about by CG geek and I knew that I was in the wrong softwere and we are here to learn Maya but it gave me the basic understanding of how to make a rock and the basic sort of shape.

Armed with this knowledge I jumped into Maya made a cube and using soft selection started deforming it into a rock-looking shape then I kept smoothing it till I had a bunch of polygons to work with and eventually got the shape I was looking for and I made it big enough to fit inside the hole of the table.