Hull, United Kingdom

Post 16: Scrolls Creation

You would think creating scrolls was an easy job but I had to actually use some completely new tools just to get the effect I was going for thanks to a handy tutorial since I had no idea how to make a scroll in maya.

Thanks to this tutorial I now understand a really useful tool I can use in the future for other things I create and so staring with a Helix this time since that’s the closest thing to a scroll I used a lattice deform to box the helix before adding in a cluster and scaling down one side of the lattice so the helix spiralled in on itself before flattening the lattice and turning it all into a poly curve so that the lattice would control the curve and I could edit it on the fly.

Once I had the right shape I wanted it was just a case of duplicating the curve and lofting them together then making it into a poly asset and soft selecting the middle for the wrapped scroll anyway.

For the other scrolls,I used the same technique but left it straight since I wanted these to be rolled up scrolls and then just created a cool looking end piece from a cylinder.

As for texturing I used the same wood texture for the ends of the rolled scrolls and for the wrap scroll I made a small leather holder the hardest part was getting the paper texture but I think it turned out nicely.