Hull, United Kingdom

Post 19: Arthurs Crown And Merlins Book Creation

I’ll be the first to admit that for these two assets I was kind of in over my head and their outcome was not as grand as I wanted it to be and I did plan to make the textures to compensate for that but I was also way in over my head with that as well I really don’t understand texturing as much as I want 2.

The first one I made was the crown in which I took a cylinder and made it thicker before extruding some of the sections.

I extruded the section Upwards before extruding them out to the sides creating a sort of cross shape and other than giving the crown a piece to make it slightly more combatable when sitting on someone’s head I didn’t really do much more to it I wanted to add in gems and I should have just made some and added them into the centre of each cross which would have made it look 10x better.

As for textures for the crown I just added the gold I had used previously and for the other part that makes it more combatable I just used the regular metal texture from before.

As for Merlins book of spells I planned to have some metal locks and such on it to keep it locked tight so no one would misuse or learn Merlins spells and I tried a few times to figure it out in my head but I kept hitting roadblocks and the few attempts I had at it I never documented or saved.

However in the end I went with a basic book look made in two parts the cover and the paper its all basically cubes and bevels nothing fancy like I wanted.

As for the books textures I reused the leather one I had used previously for the cover as well as reused the paper one for the inside paper.

What I really wanted to do for Merlins book of spells is something similar to the book Merlin gets from Gaius in the TV show Merlin which you can see on this reference picture (Gaius’ Grimoire, 2020)