Hull, United Kingdom

Some Analysis

Week 3 clip analysis: 

Lights Out Clip- 

Ambiance has what sounds like fans or a low buzzing that you would get from electrical appliances in the background making the environment sound active with electricity telling you there is power even if you close your eyes I think when you hear the lights go out that the buzzing stops which really tells you what’s happening it’s a small note but it adds to the overall atmosphere. 

Creaky doors it’s a simple sound but it tells you a lot about what’s going on in a scene although it’s just a door opening it implies that Theres something unseen opening said door and you can neither hear it nor see it. 

African Animals Getting Drunk From Ripe Marula Fruit- 

The music is quite silly or clown sounding in this documentary piece which enhances the piece as it makes the animals seem more drunk than they actually are and every time they fall down the silly sounding whistles make it more so enhanced. 

Killer Whales vs Sea Lions- 

Right of the bat the music is tence what sounds like a fast violin increasing in sound  

The sounds of the waves crashing