Hull, United Kingdom

Shapes And Color

My character is going to be as you might already know a robot that has gained sentience however since it was a military peacekeeping robot it needs to convey strength, power and reliability so my character will be mostly made up of squares and triangles rather than circles as those two shapes are what characterize those traits squares will mostly make up the appendages but the torso of my robot will be made of a triangle shape to show that the character is dangerous but not evil at least.

I will be using substance painter when I finish making the mesh of my model and so before I get anywhere near that point in this project I need to figure out what colors and where I’m going to put said colors however since I made a mashup as my basis rather than an actual design since I want to use my creative juices when I get to making my model and do most of the decisions while I’m making it rather than committing to them all beforehand they are more of just guidelines.

So I think I want the colors to be dark metallic colors so they are hard to spot like covert operatives while still having a bit of flare so It definitely needs to have a base color of black with maybe green or red accents green for blending in with nature and its a widely used military color however a dark red would maybe not blend in with its surroundings but would blend in with blood so it couldn’t be seen it would actually make Abalon less threatening I also like the thought of maybe gold or chrome colors as they are flash and rich.

MapEffects | Josh Stolarz. 2022. Using Shape Language to Give Character — MapEffects | Josh Stolarz. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 5 December 2021].