Hull, United Kingdom

Theme 1: Fragments

The first theme is “Fragments” and for the first one I wanted to go way way way out of my comfort zone and try a few new things to see if it was possible and well however it did not go as I had planned so the first thing I did before making the project was decide on an idea which made me create a list of possible ideas now normal people would maybe create a mindmap but I find them kind of confusing.

This is a list of all the ideas that I came up with and I didn’t want to choose something easy like jigsaw but if I did make it cool, interesting and unique but I found that of all these the Centipede idea was the most interesting to me as I instantly came up with the idea to create one of those simple mobile games in unreal which is something I have never used but wanted to try for just one of the themes.

First things first I had to actually create the centipede so using a simple Reference I hopped into Zbrush and started sculpting a simple centipede then exported it to substance painter and gave the front and rear simple textures and left the middle textureless since I knew what I wanted to do when I got into Unreal.

(Millipede and Centipede Diagram | Millipede, Centipede, Blog images, 2022)

Once I was into unreal the goal was to create a way of spawning in all three sections of the centipede Front, Middle and Rear but have the functionality to keep spawning in more and more middle sections with the ability to change its color so you can make a custom centipede however I ran into so many problems and issues that I simply ran out of time to implement any more than the simple function of spawning in the 3 sections I had created in the first place this is not what I wanted and is why I chose to try it unreal on the first prototype and not somewhere in the middle to see if I had the skill to learn how to use it but I simply do not so I wont be using it again.


Pinterest. 2022. Millipede and Centipede Diagram | Millipede, Centipede, Blog images. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 25 February 2022].