Hull, United Kingdom

Month: March 2022

Maya Joints, Skinning, Controls & Weight Painting

Throughout the weeks during this term I have been rigging the base mesh model they provided us to use in Maya the reason I have been doing this si so that I have some Maya work since the assignment does not specify which program we can use and it more focused on how you animated…
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Individual Role

The project will be a 3d game that will have a Japanese Edo period style to the whole thing and the game will have a built-in 2D card that will be used to battle enemies and bosses to progress in the world and for it I will be the one creating all the 3D assets for…
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Psychometric Testing

We were giving this sheet to fill out while we were watching The Good the Bad And The Ugly being played by the Danish National Symphony Orchestra to help us with the creation of out-groups I managed to get the Soprano in the balcony since I like to stand out and be alone while doing…
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In week three we were tasked with creating Both a FK and a IK rig onto two identical lamps in Maya and well Again I had done this before so I again put it off for a while and then where I did do it it became an example of where not to use FK…
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Walk Cycle

We were tasked in week 2 to create a short walk cycle something I have done a few times in the past using the exact same reference we were given in class mostly because I own the animation survival guide by Richard Williams however I put off the creation of this class week mostly due…
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Bouncing Ball

So we were tasked with creating a Bouncing ball using the references above Inside of Maya to learn one of the animation principles Squash and stretch however I did not do it immediately since I was still working on getting my model for this module ready for rigging so I put it off for a…
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