Hull, United Kingdom

Design Process

The execution of this project was not the best and there was a lot of confusion however I created a lot of materials for this project that took a lot of time to make so I could not get to all the assets on my list but I got the majority of them created since there was three areas for the game which included Shrine, Village and forest I focused on making the main assets for these areas I’ll have the images below but there are quite a few so feel free to take alook. 

The project required a lot of research into the mythology of the Kitsune However for my part this was not really necessary for creating assets as what I really needed to do was research the designs of buildings and the style of other objects in the time period that We would be using which is the Edo period of Japanese history so rather than look at mythology I looked at design most importantly looking for good reference images for some of the more difficult objects. 

I got a decent workflow while I was making all these assets I would create the low poly (less geometry) asset then duplicate it and make the High poly (more Geometry) asset adding in a lot of bevels to round the edges then use the high to bake detail onto the low to then paint textures onto the low version which gave me decent looking asset I could test in Unreal of course that is just the short version but I learned a lot doing this and gained confidence in my ability.  


If you feel like reading some more look at the asset posts: