Hull, United Kingdom

Leadership & Teamwork

Our Team is a well-oiled machine mostly because we know each other quite well so we know what each other is going to do before we do it which is a wonderful way to work our team will be organized by our leader Kyran who is stepping up to the plate for the first time usually he is more of a background support type but wanted to try leading for once, so we let him take the reins for this project.  

My other teammate Sophie was more of a supporting character doing anything we did not have the skills to do and as it turns out I and Kyran did not have any skills in artwork of the 2D variety so we left all of that up to Sophie as she is the most suited to that kind of work as for me I was more suited to all the 3D modeling type work since I was the most used to it.  

In the first few weeks I completed most of the Shrine assets and handed them on to Kyran who would place them into the game level to make it look like a believable looking shrine area and although the level has no trees, foliage, walls, or other textures I have confidence that he can make it look correct like it was a real shrine in the real world. 

The card game side of this project was mostly handled by Sophie and Kyran as they are the ones that will be making the art and mechanics for it I knew they would do a bang-up job creating it and making it look and feel like an actual card game you could buy.