Hull, United Kingdom

Basic Story Ideas & Research

Basic story Ideas and a few what ifs

For this module, I need to create a digital story and for that, I have chosen to make an animation since that’s what I want all my portfolio work to be this year but first I need some ideas for the animation I am going to make.

I have a few basic ideas that I could run with the first two are similar as they are both linked into the Universe book I am writing, which needs some testing for it the book itself is creating everything about the world and writing it into one book sort of how the D&D players handbook does it.

My main idea is a test story animation for a Universe book I am slowly writing when I have ideas for it, to give me a better understanding of how it would look, feel and play out in a general sense. My second idea is to create assets around a few ideas I have had of items, weapons and props which I will then solidify the story into them by writing lore around them dark souls style, these items would be linked into the universe book.

To help me with the first two ideas which are the ones I would like to do the most, perhaps even combining the two into one project either way I have bought the D&D players handbook as reference material and am looking at Warhammer 40K books as well.

Creation of assets and create lore around them Dark souls style

Test story for the book I wish to write in the future animation

I think the best idea is going to be my universe book test which contains knowledge about necromancy and evil type magic and how it can be used for good as well as evil which is what I think I should focus my attention on as its the most interesting Idea.



The main genre of all these ideas is fantasy since I watch a lot of animated Tv shows and films based in this genre so obviously this is where I have the most knowledge and would be the best area for me to make an animation. 

If I’m going to make a story about necromancers and how they are always seen as evil I should look into some stereotypes about necromancers and why they are perceived this way. 

Necromancers go around resurrecting the dead for their own goals we know this because they “abuse this craft to raise the dead from beyond the grave to act as servants and soldiers in grand schemes of conquest”(Necromancy) and because of that everyone sees them as Evil.

Do necromancers need to be Evil? If you speak to most people they will tell you that necromancers are murderous, repulsive, and utterly ungodly creatures, This does not have to be the case written correctly a necromancer can be written to be good instead of evil.

(Hefford, Best diablo immortal necromancer build: Best gems, skills, and gear 2022)

Hefford, H. (2022) Best diablo immortal necromancer build: Best gems, skills, and gear, Rock Paper Shotgun. Rock Paper Shotgun. Available at: (Accessed: October 17, 2022).

Necromancy (no date) The Evil Wiki. Available at:  (Accessed: October 17, 2022).