Hull, United Kingdom

2023 Animation Ideas

For my 2023 animation, I know that I would like to create a battle sequence however since I only have seven minutes of screentime, I can’t make the battle too long or it won’t have any story, at the same time I don’t want to just create seven minutes of dialogue as that would create a boring story so I will use all the skills I have learned to make a well-balanced story

The genre I will be using is Medevil Fantasy heavily influenced by anime, as it stands now I have a few ideas that could be used as a starting point for creating the script, however, I will need to look into some stereotypes & do research for this genre to make the script better. 

All the ideas I have will be discussed with my supervisor to get some feedback on which one sounds the best in terms of time, size & scope of the project.

Idea 1

The first idea I had was to create a party of adventurers roughly 2-4 characters, who would be hunting & fighting monsters in the woods to keep an area safe for humans to travel through, this idea is simple in terms of size & scope since the main actions would be the combat,  which means there wouldn’t be a lot of complicated background assets to create as the main items would be character models.

The adventurer characters would have to be created to work well together or at the very least work well enough together so that they don’t die immediately in my story, what I mean by this is while the characters may have flaws they don’t completely destroy the balance that the characters have such like the adventuring party of Vox Machina who start off being rowdy, tragtag, & misfits turned mercenaries for hire” (Watch the legend of vox machina – season 1: Prime video).

(Critical role: Who are the heroes of vox machina? 2022)

Idea 2

The second idea is again to have roughly 2-4 adventures with one being the hero fight & invade there way into the demon kings castle, they would be on a quest to rid the world of his evil, by killing his horde of monsters before eviscerating him a bit like the start of an anime called The Devil Is A Part Timer (The devil is a part-timer! EP. 1 | dub | the Devil arrives in sasazuka 2022).

The size and scope of this project is a lot bigger than my first idea, this is because it will require a lot of intricate designs when it comes to fabricating the castle’s structure as well as creating the horde of monsters & demons inhabiting said castle.

(The devil is a part-timer! EP. 1 | dub | the Devil arrives in sasazuka 2022)

Idea 3

The third and final idea is to create a large walled city which would be the last bastion of humanity, there would be a large scale battle as the city gets attacked by hordes of monsters which appear from a portal roughly half a mile from the city’s walls.

A group of adventurers inside the city would rush towards the walls to help defend it from said monsters, the city would have an invisible magic shield behind the walls that would deflect attacks mainly from the sky.

I will make the city round in shape because in terms of resources, manpower and strength of the walls this is the best shape to use historically, however its seen as a stereotype or trope & people hate to see it because its so common, but that’s because they don’t understand why its best to use that shape in particular, Below is a video that explains this point.

(Axellian, 2019)


Axellian, 2019. Walled Anime Cities Explained. (video) Available at: <> [Accessed 18 October 2022].

Critical role: Who are the heroes of vox machina? (2022) Sideshow Collectibles. Available at: (Accessed 18 October 2022).

The devil is a part-timer! EP. 1 | dub | the Devil arrives in sasazuka (2022) YouTube. YouTube. Available at: (Accessed 18 October 2022).

Watch the legend of vox machina – season 1: Prime video (no date) Watch The Legend of Vox Machina – Season 1 | Prime Video. Available at: (Accessed 18 October 2022).