Hull, United Kingdom

Story & Storyboard

So my decision to create a fantasy story animation about a necromancer who is viewed as evil, only because of the type of magic he uses rather than being evil himself This is the key part of the story and I must get the point across when making the animation.

To achieve a good understanding of the story it needs a few key actions and elements to be able to make it clear enough that the necromancer is not inherently evil.

Demonstration of abilities: The necromancer needs to showcase what he is capable this can be achieved by resurrecting a dead body back from the dead with magic and then talking to that dead person or asking them to do something.

Audio and visual hatred of his actions: Someone or everyone needs to act hostile or at the very least scornful of the necromancer regardless of any good actions perhaps one character in particular needs to berate the necromancer.

Clear representation of his good intentions: it needs to be clear to the audience watching the animation that the necromancer is not evil this can be achieved by the necromancer helping people even though they hate necromancers and the magic they use.

If all three of these are met then I believe I can make it into a good story that is understandable to do this I will need more than one character to help flesh the story out.

I came up with ideas in my head at first before I started spilling the one I liked the most onto paper and the basic story goes as follows, the necromancer has been hired to bring a certain body back to life to find out what has happened to them, then bring back that information to the one who has hired him, however someone who is with the person who hired the necromancer berates him for his actions.

Below is a almost Shot by Shot of roughly how the animation I am going to create is going to go along with directions, story and some dialog.

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After creating the shot by shot I made it into a quick storyboard in blender using models from Mixamo (Mixamo, 2022) and trees with foliage from (AuroraFollow, 1967) this helped me visualize what the entire thing was going to look like and it helped massively now that I finished it I plan to show it to my tutor and get some well-needed feedback.

I also quickly turned the storyboard into a quick video to see it in motion somewhat to get to see how the actions would work together

(Mixamo, 2022) (Trees and foliage – download free 3D model by Aurora (@auroraplz) 2019)

AuroraFollow (2019) Trees and foliage – download free 3D model by Aurora (@auroraplz), Sketchfab. Available at: (Accessed: October 6, 2022). 2022. Mixamo. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 6 October 2022].