Hull, United Kingdom

Year 3 Planning & schedule

At the start of year 3 we were asked to pick a supervisor & one of their proposed projects for our end-of-year module & the one that fit the direction I wanted to go in specialises in audio which I will use a lot in this module, alongside this module we were handed two additional modules for term 1 those are Digital storytelling & Visual effects.

My first two weeks of the new year were spent formulating a plan & figuring out what I wanted to do for each module, I wrote all the important information down in my notebooks so there is no Trello task list for the first two weeks. (Trello brings all your tasks, teammates, and tools together), however, some of the things I did in those first two weeks were creating a draft story for both Digital storytelling & visual effects and pitching the ideas I had for my Final major project to my supervisor.

The third week of year three was spent hammering down the basics for all 3 modules and I started with a daily list on Trello to which I completed a lot of the tasks I set myself.

Week 3

After I got a working plan I decided to make a schedule on Trello (Trello brings all your tasks, teammates, and tools together) and I spent the majority of the third week hammering out the basics, such as making storyboards.

Week 4 & 5

Both the fourth & fifth weeks look like I am slacking off and not doing my work and I concur it does look that way but unfortunately, towards the start of week four I became really Ill with an unknown illness that left me barely able to do anything other than rest and get better which took over 10 days, this unfortunate situation left me behind in my work and would put a strain on me even though week 7 in enhancement week.

Week 6 & 7

Weeks 6 & 7 left me playing catchup on all the work I should have done and in my panicked state, I tried to catch up as much as I could so I focused mostly on WordPress posts to try and get ahead of all that.

Weeks 8 & 9 still had me playing catchup however I feel as if I managed to catch up on a lot of the work even if most of it is just WordPress, I even recreated the schedule from a Day to day one into one that just dictates what I need to do for each module.

I focused on the two assignments that were due in the next few weeks wrapping up things I should have done weeks ago, but now I can focus on the more important things for this module like creating some characters & VFX.

Week 8 & 9

Week 10

Week 10 had me rewriting all my posts for the Final Major project since I needed them to be more coherent for both my markers when I hand in my assignment next week, I tried to get a little done for Digital storytelling and as for Visual effects, I did not plan to create much since I plan to work on that all next week ready for the assignment.

Week 11

Week 11 much like week 10 had me working entirely on my final major project since in week 12 I had to hand in my proposal and present it, the biggest challenge came when I decided to change my entire project in the middle of this week from doing two animations down to only doing one, however, this will not cause an issue later down the line since I have already set everything up correctly.


Trello brings all your tasks, teammates, and tools together (no date) Trello. Available at: (Accessed: December 1, 2022).