Hull, United Kingdom


University Year 3 Animation Characters

Once I decided on the classes that I wanted to use for the 3 characters I used DnD character sheets to create the basics of what my characters will be, This site DnD Beyond (Staff, D&D beyond 2022) is where I can easily create the character sheets without too much issue or knowledge of what all of it means.

I am really bad at coming up with names so I used a name generator in the style of DnD (Human names – dungeons & dragons) and found three names that I liked the sound of and would be easy to say when making the script of the animation.

I understand that shape theory plays a large part in creating characters but for a 3D animation that’s not as easy as it sounds nor is it very helpful, any shape theory that might be used most likely will not be identified, however, I do understand that shape theory is important and will be looking at Disneys PDF of shape theory (Welcome to the Walt Disney Family Museum) but it will most likely be used to highlight small areas such as in clothing.

Speaking of clothing, Colour theory will be heavily used in this project since having colours blend well together and not look like an eyesore will help the animation though this will not be done for my upcoming assignment it will be documented for the next one.

Claudine (Claw)


She was supposed to join the holy knights in service of the church on her parent’s orders, however, she disregarded them and instead chose to create an adventuring party so she could protect the people rather than only safeguard the church, this shamed her parents & she was cast out after being reprimanded with a large scar on her chin/cheek so no one would ever want her but the common folk respect her for what she did despite being of noble birth. 

Claudine follows the faith of the forebearer’s church who are supposed to be devoted to the old original gods who ascended from mortals, hence the name, they praise their ancestors & with the help of their holy knights they are supposed to protect the people rather than only safeguarding the church itself but thanks to constant corruption from the faith dwindling & because of it they have twisted what the faith stands for which is to Protect the people and their future.

After being cast out by her parents & branded a heretic by the church for her beliefs she formed the adventuring party of “Tyrant Smashers” in hopes of making the world a better place for the people, she recruited Amaya after hearing tales of her past, her power and her Disposition.

Appearance, Class & Character Details

Claudine stands at 5 feet and 6 inches has light-coloured skin, weighs 135lb with long black hair, she has a large scar on her chin/cheek, her eyes are coloured Hazel, has lots of muscles on her body from years of training and wears heavy-looking impressive armour.



Amaya’s origins are mostly shrouded in mystery since she was found in the sanctuary of the well-known cult, Herathros at a young age surrounded by bodies and covered in blood, its believed that her parents were members of the cult though its only speculation since her parent’s bodies were never found. 

Thanks to her youth Amaya struggles with lots of emotions & empathy although she wishes to always do the right thing the methods in which she does it are not always the best thanks to this she is feared by most people though she is not hated by them.

Her hair colour is seen as odd or strange since it is not normal though for Amaya it has been this way for a long time its believed it used to be a shade of auburn however no one knows for sure since thanks to her tremendous magic power and affinity for the magical arts it changed to what everyone knows now.

She joined the adventuring party “Tyrant Smasher” when approached by Claudine, she was neither afraid nor did she hold any preconceptions against Amaya or her past, Amaya adventures to search for clues about her past & parents, she aims to destroy the evil cult of Herathros.

Appearance, Class & Character Details

Amaya has a few scars & burns on her body though most are not visible, she stands at 5 feet and 4 inches, weighs 110lb, has little muscle definition, she has short (down to her shoulders) Blue coloured hair as well as her eyes, her skin is tanned like shes been out in the sun too much & she wears light robes.

Alexander (Alex)


Alexander’s youth was spent exploring the forests & honing his skills since he was abandoned by his parents, he was left with a single letter explaining why he had been abandoned.

Alex does not let his past hold him back since there is not much he can do for the moment to reclaim the land his family lost instead he’s been honing his skills mainly with a bow but branching out into other useful skills.

Once he had honed his skills enough to be able to tame everything inside the forest & could no longer improve he left to seek out new adventures, which lead him to finding & joining “Tyrant Smashers” which are a party of adventurers seeking to destroy corruptness & rid the world of evil starting with The cult of Herathros, the evil lord that took alexanders lands & purging the corrupt people out of the church of the Forebarers.

Slide the image carrousel with the arrows for a more readable letter.

Appearance, Class & Character Details

Alexander has no visible scars or injuries stands at 5 feet and 4 inches, weighs 115lb, and his hair is brown and very short, his eyes are green like the forest and he wears light leather armour.

Year 8 Characters

It was hard when it came to cutting down all the characters that I had on my last post for the year 8 animation & since I would be using the characters as I found them I had to rid a lot of them because of variables such as Quality, clothes, Hair and the look of the face. Both the Teacher/Master & the evil Antagonist character have been selected previously.

Main Character

I was going to rule out Remy because he looks scuffed but it looks like intentional scaring so I decided to keep him in the running for the main character until I make my final decision.

Josh was one of the best-dressed characters & well-groomed characters so I chose him to also be in the running for the main character slot.

Josh (Mixamo, 2022)
Remy (Mixamo, 2022)


Most of the heroines I had to choose from were poorly dressed for a casual girl role so I had to rule out most of them from the get-go, the others had poor hairstyles and also could not be used so I decided on Megan and Sophie for the final decision I need to make.

Megan (Mixamo, 2022)
Sophie (Mixamo, 2022)

Background Character

Crypto looks like a ninja which is a good fit for the magic swords organisation & Alex looks like an FBI agent which could also be a good fit so I ruled out the third option since it looked way too over the top.

Crypto (Mixamo, 2022)
Alex (Mixamo, 2022)

Final Character Choices

I want the main character to be played by josh since he has the best cloths and looks the best in terms of a normal-looking character I would have loved Remy’s scared skin to add depth to my character but that’s simply not possible so I will use josh. 

For the heroine, I want to use Megan but maybe try and use Sophie’s shirt instead to give the heroine a cuter look I should be able to achieve this with minimal effort so long as the two models are roughly the same size.

I had already decided to use Eve for the teacher/master character since she looks the best in terms of hairstyle, clothes & facial features which make her look experienced in terms of battle. 

For the background character, I chose Alex since the ninja look would have been too extreme and Alex looks like an FBI agent so he would blend into the real world.

Since there was only one option to play the part of the antagonist I could not make any choices but I think the character looks the part non the less so I doubt it will look wrong when It comes to animating.

Josh (Mixamo, 2022)
Megan (Mixamo, 2022)
Eve By J Gonzales (Mixamo, 2022)
Alex (Mixamo, 2022)
Dreyar By M Aure Suzie (Mixamo, 2022)

Staff, D.N.D.B. (2022) D&D beyond, D&D Beyond. Available at: (Accessed: November 25, 2022).

(no date) Human names – dungeons & dragons. Available at: (Accessed: November 25, 2022). 2022. Mixamo. [online] Available at: <> (Accessed: November 25, 2022).

Templates – Vintage Letter Layout with Border Ornaments (no date) Adobe Stock. Available at: (Accessed: November 25, 2022).

Welcome to the Walt Disney Family Museum (no date) The Walt Disney Family Museum. Available at: (Accessed: December 4, 2022).