Hull, United Kingdom

Blocking Out Spaceships

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The ship I Liked the most was one I built In the game Space Engineers Which It’s Self was based off a very low res image of someone’s Fan made version of the EAS Merlin from The Tv Show Babylon 5.

I’ve since located that someones work and these are the proper versions of said ship.

Anyway I took my modified design from space engineers (since SE wont allow for 1:1 recreation unless you build massive) and started blocking it out into Blender, I really like the design however I plan to modify it even more to make it my own for real while still pulling from the original reference.

I will most likely keep the rear engine design since I just loke that part and maybe remove the large front section that points out, you can see I already added a second thruster bank to the side of the ship and made the ship wider so I am on the right track for now.