Hull, United Kingdom

Furniture Assets

A long time ago I tried my hand at a 1:1 scale project in which I made a bunch of furniture while Modeling My room at the time, However, I never finished this project since the soul was sucked out of me while trying to model some lego spaceships.

Regardless of that making furniture was easy and I enjoyed doing it And these days I want to be an asset maker so I wanted to focus on that and as such I started gathering references of various furniture designs to copy, Since I was copying each design exactly this was not a good place to be however It was good practice. 

The Old 1:1 Scale Project

The majority of my designs were 1:1 Recreations & I wont provide Referances for the inspiration since many of them were lost and unfindable. However I will share them here so you can see the practice for yourself.

A couple of these are so inconsequential because they are so simplistic that it cannot hold a Patent or copyright under law so I could use them, However I want to make my own furniture designs from my own head rather than copy others.  

I May still take a few of these designs and use them anyway because I made so many modifications to the original design that it would be considered my own, Those wont be many though and I will have to be sure it counts. As you can see most of them never got finished and were just in the Blockout phase.

Extras - Handles and such

I made My Own Draw Runner and got it really far down in terms of poly count and I also made two versions of hinges one of them was more angled at the end and the other was more flat and low profile, both are my own design based on a basic reference that I used.

I attempted to make a wheel for the furniture but in the end even the low poly versions were so high poly and hard to do bu here is the finished version.

I also made some handles