Hull, United Kingdom

Spell Circles Progress

Test Circle

Before creating a whole host of spell circles I needed to quickly test how to make the circles glow & change colour inside blender, so I whipped up a simple circle inside photoshop and tested it inside blender as you can see I managed to turn it blue and glow even if its not noticeable in this render I need to tweak it so that it is.

The way I got the circle to turn blue and glow was by just using a simple Emission shader with a transparency shader though I want to make it a lot better by piling some effects on top of this that can be controlled to be more procedural prehaps some light streaks.

Since I created a test version of my magic shield effect and its main shape is hexagonal chainmail, I went with a central theme around hexagons for the magic circle that will accompany it I even added in magical type words using google translate to turn English words into Latin these words are: 

The spell circle is not completed however since I feel like it’s missing something and when I figure out what it’s missing It will be completed then used in the VFX animation.

There will be a lot more spell circles created which will be ready for the second assignment but for now, I only have a few that are in development that is not worth being shown yet other than this one with the star design