Hull, United Kingdom

Turing The Plastic Safe Into A Game Asset – Unfinished

Plastic Safe - Old

The plastic safe was an old project and Was one of my proudest ones when I was stating out but looking at it years later it’s very… Amateur, So I  have decided to fix this by making it more professional and the best way is to just turn it into a fully made game asset. 

Fixing The Safe

I think the first problem with the safe is that the entire thing was made without thinking about the polycount or the topology, this left the entire thing having to be redone in many areas however since the majority of it was connected I first started by separating areas and deleting sections you would never see.

The area with the most geometry and Polycount was inside the little see-through plastic area that had the LEDs and Decoration, I had to remove and simplify so much of that area by deleting poly loops to make a more low poly version of the safe mainly to make it be less of a resource hog when in a game engine. 

The Original had so many extra Tri’s that I was flabbergasted at the sight of the thing. IT took me a while to cut them down & while 23k is still too many, at this point you cant even notice I removed 70k so for now it does not matter.

How I Removed all those extra Tri’s was by simplifying certain things such as the buttons on the safe, The numbers were solid and had an extra like 20,000 tri’s so I made them flat and while this did make them into N-gons it didn’t matter because of how they would be seen.

I next worked on making The Uv’s so that I could easily Texture the safe with no stretched materials, this also included baking the High poly onto the low poly model.

Unsorted Textures
Unsorted Textures
Sorted UV Textures Ready For Materials

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So I moved the project into substance painter ready to texture it and after baking the high to the low I chose these textures to be the colors of the safe or at least for now that’s what I Chose. As you can see by the UV look in substance the colors go well however I could not for the life of me figure out Glass for the plastic window.

Substance Painter Selected Textures

Doing too much.

Simple Mechanism for door opening

The Rod was supposed to turn which in turn would pull the lock via another rectangular piece, however in theory it only moved it a few millimetres and the way it was attached to the lock piece made it not slide at all.

After I Thought I had the textures I got sidetracked trying to make it into a 3D Printable asset as well as a game asset and well this didn’t go as planned. 

I First started by making a simple mechanism that I thought would open the door with a simple turn of the handle which would turn a rod and pull the lock open, But for obvious reasons this was not a very good design.

Closeup of the Rod
How it looked in place with materials
How it looked in place with Wireframe

After I realised how bad the design was I decided to make something more simple and to that end I decided on a Gear tooth Design, However Now that I think about it I could have made the gear be smaller while having larger teeth to be more effective.