Hull, United Kingdom

Learning Basic Sculpting Project

After completing my Rose_Orion_Cannon I set out to start learning sculpting full of optimism and excitement I began with some of Grant Abbitt’s sculpting tutorials the first one taught me the basic brushes and how to start sculpting it didn’t matter about the anatomy of what I sculpted.

Link to the original post on WIX:

After that I followed another tutorial by him which solidified those brushes and techniques into my head as well as taught me how to make random aliens since it was a alien sculpting tutorial and again it did not matter about anatomy since we where making random aliens.

After making the first alien I decided to make another just to make sure it sunk into my head as well as for some fun.

I wanted to make the third sculpt more brutish so I tried adding in more muscles and a tougher look to the entire thing although It was pointed out that the neck on this sculpt would not be able to move since the muscles are wrong which means I need to learn anatomy even though I was just sculpting randomly and Didn’t care about anatomy.

So I learned I needed some basic anatomy knowledge and decided to learn the neck muscles since I found a video on it but for other anatomy is not so easy since there are not very many videos on the subject of anatomy sculpting and the only real references are images and anatomy references on google.

I then again tried to solidify the neck muscles into my head by sculpting an alien and the clavicle didn’t matter in this sculpt but the neck muscles did.

Once I completed the alien neck sculpt thing I moved onto torso sculpting using reference images and to say that I was only slightly discouraged would be a lie In fact at this point I have become very discouraged since I don’t have enough information or knowledge.