Hull, United Kingdom

The Nightmare Of A 1:1 Scale Project

This project is something I thought I could do but was way in over my head about and all I really have to say for myself is that I didn’t have enough knowledge to complete this project it was taking far to long to do anything and in the end, I scrapped the entire project because of this fact.

You see once I completed the Rose-Orion Cannon I was not 100% sure what project I was going to do next other than maybe trying some more sculpting and in the end I halfheartedly decided to make my bedroom in 1:1 scale.

That single decision was not what broke me in fact I made a large portion of my bedroom no problem but its when I added in more and more complexity that things got worse and worse.

Link to the original WIX post:

Bedroom Block Out To Exact Size

The first object I made was the bed and this posed a challenge because I wanted to make all the connecting geometry in the bed Ie. Screws and there holes. I did create both of these things and I really liked how it turned out.

After making the bed I slowly made the rest of the large objects around my room one by one. It took a lot of time since I was doing exact measurements instead of just winging the sizes so I kept having to stop and measure to make sure I was right now that I think of it I could have winged it a little.

All Large Objects Made

Eventually, I had the major objects built and the room was looking really good I even went a step further and made all the screws and screwholes, as well as draw runners, since I wanted to animate a camera flying in and looking around the room while I disassemble objects.

But the next decision I made is one that I won’t easily make again since its the whole reason this project broke down.

I decided to work on the next level of objects and the first ones I chose to do were a pair of Lego SpaceShips and I started out by blocking out Every last piece to the exact measurement they should be and some of the pieces where complicated so I left them for later. Below You can see the number of blocks it took.

Once I had blocked out the LEGO bricks I set about making an easy way to make each and every brick and let’s just say I spent the next 2+ weeks trying to perfect and create the bricks.

Eventually I had created quite a few bricks but my sanity was running on empty at that point and I felt horrible so It was at this point I decided to abandon everything and move onto something less stressful and soul-destroying.

However I did complete at least maybe 10-15% of this project and I did some final renders of what I had done so please enjoy those.