Hull, United Kingdom

Post 12: Merlins Lecturn Creation

The lectern was the second asset I made but its design had no real inspiration other than its basic structure which was a base, a pillar, and a top so I just built a design from the ground up being completely random while doing it.

Starting with a cube I made some bridges in the middle to support the pillar I would make.
Once I made the pillar I supported it even more with some angled beams.

I kept working on the shape of the base and eventually smoothed it out I also cut it into a quarter again for the same reason I did it last time.

Once I created the base and most of the pillar I made some temporary shapes to figure out how high the thing would be and where the top will go.

I then created the top and it was actually quite difficult to do so cause I had to put holes in the thing for design purposes and getting it to stay in quads was very hard but I managed to do it in the end through endless hours and then I created something to hold it up in a 25ish degree angle.

Once I had the base and the top made I started working on connecting the two with the pillar so using soft selection I bent the pillar backward so that it was middle-ish to the back of the thing that holds the top up at an angle.

I also created something to hold the thing up which is those two cube looking things.

The textures for the lectern where a combination of 2 different coloured metals one which was darker than the other and the wood texture I used for the round table.