Hull, United Kingdom

Draft Poster Design

The concept for the final poster was for a planet to convey hope and there was an idea that was created to accompany this which was for a massive beam of light to emanate from the core of the planet threw the landmass out into space to symbolize hope.

The flare tool was used a lot in the poster’s creation especially to create the light that comes from the center of the planet but they were used for a few other things later on.

There was an attempt at using typography but it did not seem to fit the look of the poster so it was never used or adapted upon but there was an idea to make the light wrap around the text.

Since the poster is all about planet emanating hope a landmass was created with a massive tear in it like and this was added to help reinforce the light tearing through the planet spreading hope and several layers of flares were used at different sizes to create the effect.

This was the draft poster but the posters creation carried on anyway.

To create the illusion of stars in the background the flare tool was used again in various different sizes and spreads with a gradient of white and yellow to reinforce the illusion.

Once everything else for the poster was made a small spaceship flying towards the light in the center of the planet was added as a small side detail.

The poster was 2384×1684 Pixels which was not A1 and because massive-sized flare tools were used It could only be enhanced to 8191×5786 pixels however once exported it was enlarged to 9933×7016 so it may have lost some pixel detail.