Hull, United Kingdom

Specific graphic interests

My main graphic interest would be animation as I believe that’s what I would like to do when I finish university however if I where to pick a few more then those would have to be concept art and Enviroment design. I was only going to do two but I forgot I love building games and taking 20h to make the landscape look good with the manmade building and blending it in which made me think I have a hidden love for environment design.

So I’m going to pull a few pictures from the internet to discuss them ;3

Animation is one of my most favorite things since long ago and I wanna be a animator one day so I even got my hands on “the animator’s survival kit” book which Im yet to read but will do so as it will teach me how to do animation in ways that i might not be able to figure out myself.

Concept art shows how things are connected and the development of an idea into something that works it shows what goes where and how it works and i find that fascinating.

Getting to decide where things go in a world and how things interact with each other is pretty cool to me take this picture for example it looks as if there’s only one way to the structure and one way only across the bridge this was a design choice perhaps it has a meaning to me it seems as if you would have to face your opponent at any cost because there is no other way across to that structure not saying there is no way across other than that but cool things like this deciding the fate of the environment are something I love.

Images to talk about