Hull, United Kingdom

Researching Bridlington Location

For our current project, we have been asked to conceptualize an idea for a digital installation however we do not have to actually make a functioning installation but for now we have just been asked to research the location for any possible limitations that we may have if we were to hypothetically make the installation.

I did some research of location where we would place the installation and it is down this stretch of road called “Garrison Street” and the possible limitations that I have found for this site are:

Power would be one of the biggest limitations because if the installation requires power then that power has to come from somewhere whether it be from a generator or connected to the main power lines but if the rides in the area are receiving power then I think we should have decent access to potential power.

A lot of the area has been taken up by kids rides and such but there are a few open spaces but the biggest of the spaces is at the most southern part of the road where there is a large open space with some seats for people to sit down I think if we place the installation anywhere it should be there as its unused and untapped potential.

If we do place it in the large open courtyard type place then it should not become a trip hazard because it would be very visible however it does not completely eliminate the possibility of a trip hazard because it depends on the installation that I create.

The area is full of arcades, donut shops, and the like a staple of any British seaside town and that means the atmosphere is very relaxed and playful with all the kids spending small amounts of money enjoying there time in arcades with there family’s meaning that any installation we were to make needs to be targeted at family’s as its main focus but be accessible for everyone to use so I think something fun and playful might work best for the area.

Since I wrote everything above I have come to realize some more limitations and wish to now convey those limitations now since they will aid me in my plight to create a digital installation piece.

Something I really should have noticed was that anything we design will have to be weatherproof since the waves on the seafront can become quite large splashing over the side of the seawall onto the street above causing a flood of water which in itself is a hazard but any installation especially if it has power will need to be insulated against the weather.

Apparently, in the summer the place becomes quite packed and any installation will require some sort of access if it’s really big and takes up a lot of room or requires a lot of room to use then it’s going to just get in the way so size will be one major factor perhaps we can make a bunch of small installations instead of one large one.

One major factor I forgot was that any installation will need to be childproof as there are a lot of small children around that area so minimize sharp edges and if there are loose parts make them non-eatable or small enough to be eaten as children will shove literally anything into there mouths as well as making it so those parts won’t be stolen we should also place it in a safe location away from any edges/drops and especially far enough away from the sea/seawall.