Hull, United Kingdom

Edward Tufte’s Theory of Colour

This new project will be focusing on Tufte’s 5 principles from Envisioning Information In a specific subject area and I have chosen to do Environmental Animation mainly focusing on forests and how they affect the environment as our main producers of air.

Color is used to convey many things other than just looking good “Human eyes are exquisitely sensitive to color variations” (Tufte, 1990, P.81). The simple act of changing a natural color into something less commonly found or unnatural can change the entire meaning such as the emotions, atmosphere, time, environment, symbolism, or more and now the way we perceive it has changed.

This is why environment design always takes from natural colors since we are used to it “putting a good color in a good place is a complex matter, above all do no harm”(Tufte, 1990, P.81) (Paul Klee). But this is not the only reason why nature is the best color palette another good example is this color theory article “When I need inspiration, I find that nature, perhaps the ultimate designer, is a great place to look for an incredible color scheme” (Basic Color Theory, Aaron Bernabi, 2013, Logoworks).

For example, take this Infrared photograph of purple trees (Purple Trees, Lauke, DeviantArt, 2010). While the color is seen in nature,  in a large quantity the color no longer looks natural so we perceive it as odd or strange. Paraphrasing Tufte Using colors in nature is the right move because in life from the beginning to the end we are seeing nature’s beautiful palette laid before us to change what we are already used to as a baseline would bring dissonance (Tufte, 1990, p.90).


Purple Trees Infrared Photograph by Michi Lauke showing how to distort the environment to enhance it for good or bad. 2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 05 October 2021]. 2021. Purple Trees Infrared… by MichiLauke on Deviantart. [online] Avalible at: <> [Accessed 04 October 2021] 

Logoworks. 2021. Basic Color Theory: Why is Color Harmony Important?. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 05 October 2021]. 

Tufte, E., 1990. Envisioning information. Cheshire, Connecticut:Graphics.