Hull, United Kingdom

Influences Before Revision

EDIT: I had done this task correctly but I had also made it way too long the word limit on this task was 300 words and I am allowed 10% either under or over that limit so 270 or 330 words However I did not want to just throw this post away so I have created a personal category about reflecting on work I mess up on so that I don’t forget these mistakes especially with my terrible memory. also for anyone that wants to read this unedited version of the post.

I cut out a massive portion of the Military college section to make it easier to read and still have its context than for the other 3 influences I condensed thee first two into sort of one paragraph and then just deleted the third about water since I felt like it was too much off-topic.

Here is a link to the revised version of the post :3


I was tasked with detailing the major influences in my life to help find what’s important to me which will come in handy when it comes to design as I will know where my interests lie, what I want to create and what direction I wish to head.   

There are many influences in my life and I will talk about them to some degree but a lot of them would take a long time to talk about and I have plans for most of these story’s in the future so I won’t go into all the details as to try and leave some suspense for those future plans but I will tell you the reasons why these influences have impacted my life to some degree. 

Military college: Like a lot of people these days I have ADHD and ODD so I was not the best behaved person and It affected me greatly to the point of almost being arrested and places in a cell I suppose and so the biggest influence in my life came around 5-6 years ago and at this point I was stood at a crossroad where I had to make a decision of where I wanted to end up in life and I suppose the two options where to continue as I had been and end up most likely in jail or to choose whether to change my current heading be subconsciously or not and to brake the mentality that I had which was that of a child. 

So, to gain some discipline and take control of my anger issues I chose to join a military preparation college as at the time I wanted to join the army since I thought at the time I had nowhere left to go with my bad grades and attitude especially since I had no idea where I wanted to go in life or what he wanted to do but that all be it small decision at the time in the long run had a major impact on me since it’s the whole reason I am now in control of myself and have a clear idea of what it is I want to do and am now on the path I that will lead me to my goal. 

That college that I attended was called QPD and it was run out of a barracks down a main road of a city a few miles away from the train station and I attended this college for around 2 years which seems like a long time but it felt a lot longer to me and to this day I still think that it was the best thing that happened to me since I actually stopped acting out. There’s a lot more to this story and I could flesh it out for you way more but I do want to save it for another day and another one of my Influences will explain why.

Anime, Games & TV: a lot of my creative ideas are influenced by many years of watching anime, movies, Tv series and playing games there compelling and gripping stories have always left a mark on me especially when it comes to Sci-Fi something about the vastness of space and the infinite possibilities that exist out in the universe has always intrigued me to the point I want to create Sci-Fi animations and universes. 

Story’s, Animation & YouTube: for years I have wanted to make animations about my life and tell story’s ever since I started watching 2D animators on YouTube doing it because I thought there story’s where amazing and it’s imbedded a soft of goal in me to get good at using 3D programs so that I can see those story’s come to life some of which I have already started to write and even though I am far off from making this dream a reality I push on forwards towards completing it.  

Water: This is possibly a little strange and might not be an influence but I’ve always had a strange fondness of water and the cold I love being cold and in fact I have the coldest room in my house it’s a little strange but the point is although I’ve not done it in quite some time I love swimming and diving the sensation of being underwater  in the cold world deep down and it’s for that reason that one of my favourite games is BioShock since it takes place in that world down below this might be a little off topic but one of my dreams is to go deep sea diving for wrecks and such just to explore I think this has a influence on me but I’m not sure I have explained it very well. 

A picture of me at Water City in Crete from along time ago was very fun.
A picture of me at Water City in Crete from along time ago was very fun.