Hull, United Kingdom

Seaside Collage

I was asked to make a British seaside collage to convey and think about what kind of place a normal British seaside is like so I first started by listing everything you would find at the seaside and since it was all about Bridlington I listed that as well.

Bridlington, Seaside, Ice Cream, Arcades, Children, Seagulls, Rides, Water, Sand, Donuts, Sandcastles, Boats, Jetski’s, Sun, Clouds, Deckchairs, and Trash/Garbage where all the words/things I can find at an everyday British seaside

Once I had my list I searched for images of Bridlington to start building my collage which I knew I wanted to just cut bits and pieces out from places and build my own scene rather than using 1 picture as the background and slapping images on the top.

I knew I wanted a Sun in my collage so instead of just getting a single image of a sun, cutting it out, and calling that done I decided to get a few images of different suns and then combine them together into a new sun which I found really cool looking.

Once I had my sun I wanted to add some creativity to my collage so when I found a picture of a happy/screaming child In Bridlington I just knew I had to place him into my sun since the seaside is usually a very hot place since you are basking in the sun all day.

Once I had my screaming child in the sun I took several pictures of sand and made my own type of beach as well as found a picture of an ocean and a sky and just placed them accordingly as for the wooden posts came from a Bridlington which I found fitting.

The mascot stood there is called “Stormy Stan” and he is the mascot for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution and I just liked the way he looked in the collage so I kept him in the corner there as to say yeah this is the seaside.

I then added in some kids playing in the sand building a sandcastle, some seagulls in the sky and an arcade machine in the corner because there are lots of arcades by the seaside.

The solar flares coming from the sun were actually pictures of clouds I converted into fiery death beams because like I said before the beach is way too warm.

The next thing I did was kind of a long shot but I still like how it turned out because I wanted to add in boats but just boats on there own would have looked kind of boring so I combined another idea with it the idea that there is a lot of trash and debris in the ocean and even when you go to the seaside you see it so I put in a yaught fly-tipping in the ocean with a naval destroyer (which is the very questionable decision) firing a missing at the yaught as to say no that’s not ok don’t do that.

The Jetski is kind of running away from the yaught and I kind of like that so I left it in I also added in a Ferris wheel as there are a lot of small rides by the seaside.

The last few things I added where some onlookers just casually watching the yaught as well as some people being rescued in the far background as if they jumped out the yaught.

This collage I feel was way off base from what I was supposed to do but I really liked it in the end adding in a little bit of story and feeling made it feel more personal rather than work so I do not regret any of my decisions.