Hull, United Kingdom

Introduction / Use of colour

The environmental animation will be used to show how we impact the environment and will be targeted towards large companies that do a lot of environmental damage to show them that what they are doing is harmful but it can be changed for the better and to do that color will be used heavily as color is the window into the soul and can be used to convey all types of information which can be learned as Edward Tufte says “And can viewers understand, or learn to understand, such displays?” (Tufte, 1990, P88) what he means is that colors have more behind them than it seems such as the way they make us feel and the meaning behind them such as yellow being the color behind hope, happiness it grabs your attention because its as bright as the sun (Color Meanings, 99designs, 2022)

These colors will work especially well as they are found naturally which can work to my advantage since they can be used to convey different meanings at key points in the Environmental animation all the flowers found in the animation will turn that color at that moment to demonstrate a hidden meaning two of the most important moments will be all the flowers turning red to emulate danger and yellow for hope.


99designs. 2022. Color Meanings and the Art of Using Color Symbolism. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11 January 2022].

Tufte, E., 1990. Envisioning information. Cheshire, Connecticut:Graphics.