Hull, United Kingdom

Layering and separation

VFX breakdowns or multiplane animations are a great way to see how animations and CGI are put together as you can see the entire scene constructed or deconstructed layer by layer they are a great way to see the finer details in a piece and being able to separate those from the rest of it is as Tufte says “What matters inevitably is the proper relationship among information layers” (Tufte, 1990, P.54) being able to differentiate between everything that is conveying information is what it’s all about and this kind of breakdown does that perfectly.

Each of the three breakdowns has a different perspective from outside the skybox of the entire scene to the main area closeup that the final animation will take place on each section is meticulously assembled like a machine to give you the best view of how the scene is laid out.


The breakdown starts by building the terrain because those are the largest parts then it moves onto smaller and smaller objects until the entire scene has been created in full the area around the cabin has been left mostly blank so the main filming camera for the animation can see the area clearly with no obstructions.

Tufte, E., 1990. Envisioning information. Cheshire, Connecticut:Graphics.