Hull, United Kingdom


Last week I never created my graphic in Illustrator so for this week when I had to remove my name and change it to a subject that I chose to associate with my name I found it easier to do. 

The obvious subject that I chose was Sci-Fi since it’s the cornerstone of everything on my influences as everything else can be incorporated into that one subject which is fantastic. 

Out of the few graphics I had drawn on paper the best one by far was the satellite idea and I took that idea and refined it a bit so instead of a satellite I made it into a YouTube space laser/cannon which I found really cool so I went about making that for my graphic and I had an idea how I could add it into the word Sci-Fi as well. 

The colors I had used when making my graphic where temporary and so I set about changing them once I had made the laser look right the first set of colors I chose where red, blue, black, yellow, and white these colors where chosen as follows: 

Black- Darkness/Space 

White- YouTube 

Red- YouTube 

Yellow- Light/Sun 

Blue- Solar Panels 

However, the previous colours did not work out so well or at least did not look good to me the way they were so I decided to change the main body’s colour to black which gives it more of a stealthy look instead of drawing attention to the large red colour but I kept everything else the same which looked good to me I didn’t play around with font all to much as I just wanted to get the graphic right.

I think I will play around with font the next time I come to this.