Hull, United Kingdom

Individual Role

The project will be a 3d game that will have a Japanese Edo period style to the whole thing and the game will have a built-in 2D card that will be used to battle enemies and bosses to progress in the world and for it I will be the one creating all the 3D assets for the game world. 

We will each be responsible for our individual work and our team consists of 3 members I will be creating any animation, 3D Modelling and Sculpting as my main responsibility because these are my best strengths, and I am the most knowledgeable in this area over my other 2 teammates, so I am 100% suited to this kind of work. 

I would also be responsible for any SFX and other Audio if we decide to implement any audio into the game it will be sound effects that I will be responsible for making however I will mainly be focusing on making the 3D assets for the game and keeping them low poly, which means they will not lag the game when it is running. 

I am quite confident in my skills to create 3D assets quickly for my teammates to create the game with I have a list of assets that I need to make, and this will expand as I create more, they are based on game areas and they are a Shrine area, Village Area, and a Forest area each area will require my expertise to make the assets for them.  

My other teammates would be responsible for: 

Kyran- Team Lead, Coding, Story Writing, Gameplay Design, Level Design 

Sophie- Art Director, Texture Artist, Audio design Lead, Concept Art