Hull, United Kingdom

Maya Joints, Skinning, Controls & Weight Painting

Throughout the weeks during this term I have been rigging the base mesh model they provided us to use in Maya the reason I have been doing this si so that I have some Maya work since the assignment does not specify which program we can use and it more focused on how you animated it I wanted to have some short animations of the Maya character just in case.

I had planned to do similar animations to The blender ones in Maya however once I started to animate I realized the rig I had created had a lot of issues that would take time to fix and I simply did not have the time to do that The Z Axis up and down would not work with my controls and would deform the character so I changed my plans and made short wacky animations just in case, however, these are more of like tests and not really my final ones. 

Since I’ve only used Maya 5 or 6 times and find it very confusing to do anything in it I pretty much gave up and that’s why I decided to animate in blender the assignment did not specify which program so it should be ok to use blender to animate my character abalon however I did do some quick animation on what I had with the maya rig anyway for a little goofynesss.

Here are the Goofy Maya Animations