Hull, United Kingdom

Shrine Extras

After I made the original shrine assets I realized I needed some more just to pad out that area so one of the first things I wanted to make was on the asset list that I got from kyran and that was a Chozuya (Sengen Shrine: Chozuya, 2022) and upon googling it I instantly saw that the Shrine alter I had made was actually a Chozuya and I just didn’t realize it so I copied the model and tweaked it with some new geometry to make the Chozuya.

The next Asset was a Shrine tower (Pin em ** Japan Travel **, 2022) and for this model, I reused the materials from my last model post but just tweaked the colors and some of the small settings you might not even notice the small details that have changed the only new ones I made were for the fence and the decking as the fence needed less detail and the decking needed a different pattern entierely. 

White Wood
Red Fence Wood
Red Decking Wood

The tower was rather challenging since I had to make the entire thing have slopped roofs while still being square for me this was hard to do and I spent a while sorting this out but I was running on fumes at the time.

The paving stones were a pain in my rear for a simple mistake there geometry is just a square but every time I Imported them into unreal the textures would be overridden and only 1 would show and the solution was as simple as changing a 1 into a 2 I kicked myself when I realized this I also made a quick fountain when I was doing this as I liked the idea of it.

I Also Took the fence from the shrine tower and cut it into pieces so that Kyran could make custom fences around the game world

So I imported all the assets into unreal to make sure there were no issues or mistakes and I instantly saw that the tower I made was way too big It was twice as big as the tori gate which stands above 15M tall so I shrunk it a little bit too make it look and fit better.

While making the Shrine Tower I knew I had to Unwrap the Uv’s myself and while doing so I finally after such a long time understood how they work even if it was only on a basic level for less complex geometry I felt amazing when I finally realized it and my brain went “yes it’s done like this” it might not make much sense to a lot of people when they look at these two images to the right and below but for those that understand you can realize my so-called “Genius” as small as it is it does exist. 

(Pin em ** Japan Travel **, 2022)
(Sengen Shrine: Chozuya, 2022)

Flickr. 2022. Sengen Shrine: Chozuya. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15 April 2022].

Pinterest. 2022. Pin em ** Japan Travel **. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 16 April 2022].