Hull, United Kingdom

Final Animations And Explanations

Full Compilation

All three sections of my animation have been compiled into one video they have been edited so there is a bit of lost time and this was to create a better fast-paced animation within the 30-60 timeframe several seconds of raw renders have been cut out and deleted from the comp as well as the 3 sections that make up the comp.

I like to think I’ve taken advantage of perspective from using 13 cameras to create this animation overall each camera takes a different angle to the whole thing and I really tried to make it like an action movie where the camera keeps changing.

My final animation fits quite well with the theme of my character as it demonstrates the abilities of the android It may have been easier to animate with IK’s or “Actions” however Ik’s were not working and “Actions” are beyond me even if I did learn how to do basic loops with “Actions” during this project.

This animation contains A walk cycle, Jog Transition, Run cycle, Jump as well as various combat animations.

Section One

The first section is the longest at 17 seconds as it contains the start of the chase between our two androids Abalon and UNIT Abalon is the one chasing in the rear speeding down the bridge like a demon the walk’s and runs are looped via the action editor something I learned to use the basics of for this project. 

Section Two

The Second Section features the jumping sequence and as such is the second-longest one in the animation before he jumps he has to back up a little to be able to make the jump.

Section Three

The last section ran kind of short at around 6 seconds this was down to the cutting early between three different cameras I could have made it longer by having UNIT run more at the end of it this was an oversight on my part. 

Unedited Gallery

Abalon Running After Unit

Abalon sees the bridge fall

Unit Walk-Run Away From Abalon

Abalon comes to a stop and looks at Unit

Abalon Gets taken out 

Camera Zooms On Abalon Chasing Unit

Abalon Takes A step back before jumping over 

Unit Escapes

Both In Shot At Once

Rear view of jump 

Altercation Stationary Camera

Unit Reaches past the falling bridge section

Closeup rear view of jump