Hull, United Kingdom

Revised Storyboard

After I took the previous storyboard to my tutor and got some feedback, it apparently needed to be revised as the story drew too much from an extended universe rather than being self-contained, which seemed to be the main problem so I aim to fix it with a revised storyboard.

To self-contain the overall story I took what I already had with the wife character, then decided to put all my eggs into that basket to make her the main antagonist of the story.

The wife is spiteful and handed over the missing daughter to the bandits/militia betraying her own husband, this is what the necromancer needs to find out during the story, which means I need to rewrite the story accordingly. 

The only information that will be from the extended universe will be the state of the region, which is going through an economic crisis that has left the populace restless, which is why the daughter of the commander has been kidnapped.

My story will be changing to use a Media res storyline, which means my story will start in the middle and proceed to flashback to the action in doing so I can make the dialogue better and remove scenes from my old storyboard then add in new better ones.

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Once I added the new scenes to my shot by shot I went back and created them in blender to add them to my already existing storyboard, which changed it to be much more understandable as I previously stated the only thing left to do now Is figure out the assets I’ll need, Character overviews, script draft and to show my planning.