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Useful Sounds For My Animations

Both of my animations will need sound effects to bring out harmony between the visuals and the audio, to that end I will be looking on (Freesound 2022) for some of the sounds that could possibly be helpful and I will explain why.

I plan to make some of my own sound effects & thanks to the supervisor I picked that’s possible since she specializes in audio, I could even create some of the creatures’ sounds myself if I can’t find every sound I want.

I will obviously find more sounds than the ones listed here but I thought it best to show some that would fit well in my animation however all sounds will be subject to Quality control and be put into an audio processor before I even think of using them as there may be clipping issues rendering the sounds useless.

This Light Cast Skill Loop (Light cast skill loop ( guidingbolt ) by eminyildirim) sound effect could be very useful as a sustained spell.

(Freesound 2022)

Although this sound is marketed as Shield Bash impact (Shield bash impact by Hybrid_V) its not the sound of someone defending with a shield, its the sound of someone attacking with a shield which may be of use for my paladin.  

(Freesound 2022)

When my characters are fighting monsters which will most likely be Ogre’s and goblins wielding swords/weapons their attacks will be blocked by the paladin’s shield, so I would need a sound of the shield repelling that attack.

(Freesound 2022)

Although this sound is supposed to be a metal knife stabbing a lettuce (Stab, metal knife in lettuce, C.wav by Inspectorj) and I can hear that its not the only thing that this clip sounds like, it also sounds like an arrow hitting a tree so I think it might be more useful as that sound.

(Freesound 2022)

Since I will have goblins in my animation I need some sounds for their parts, such as them dying at the hands of our brave adventurers so having a sound effect for that is a great idea, plus this one is even better since it has multiple takes of the same sound.

(Freesound 2022)

Orcs are not brainless creatures they can speak however its been a long-standing stereotype that they are brainless, but the article “Orcs Can Be Intelligent, Lovable Creatures Too : Long-Time DnD Stereotype Challenged By Explorer’s Guide To Wildemount” (Tales, Orcs can be intelligent 2020) speaks about how orcs can be intelligent creatures in DnD rather than what their stereotype says they are since “as a role-playing game, DnD is, of course, mirroring real life, taking on the concepts which have become normalized through literature, media, and history” so for my animation I want my orcs to be able to say things and be intelligent and this sound effect helps a lot. 

(Freesound 2022)

The classic Wilhelm scream has been used in hundreds of films & “the recording of the original Scream dates back to the 1951 film Distant Drums. Producers of the film had cast members to record a variety of screams for an alligator attack scene” (DeGuzman et al., The Wilhelm scream – origins and iconic examples 2021) then later in the 1970’s school students from the university of southern California turned it into a running Gag.  (DeLong, The Wilhelm scream 2022)

This is why I think its time for me to use it for the first time since this will be the first real animation I am making and if I get a chance to keep the gag going then I will add it in, most likely when a goblin gets throwback or exploded so he starts flying.

(Freesound 2022)

A lot of magic will be used in this animation, so if I decide to use some ice-based magic eventually it will either need to crack/dissipate, or if its cast on a monster and he breaks free of the spell this sound effect will work great.

(Freesound 2022)

I said that I will need goblin sounds and a classic thing goblins do is laugh so a good cackle will be great for my animation and this one I found sounds great.

(Freesound 2022)

This one has multiple takes of creature sounds which could be useful so I will most likely use it.

(Freesound 2022)

The next two sounds are very important since I have a paladin who will need to both draw there sword and maybe even put it back so these effects are great at achieving that.

(Freesound 2022)


(2022) Freesound. Available at: (Accessed: November 26, 2022).

DeGuzman, K., Kyle DeGuzman Kyle DeGuzman graduated from San Diego State University with a Bachelo and Kyle DeGuzman graduated from San Diego State University with a Bachelor of Science in Television (2021) The wilhelm scream – origins and iconic examples, StudioBinder. Available at:,Where%20did%20the%20original%20Wilhelm%20Scream%20come%20from%3F,final%20cut%20of%20the%20film. (Accessed: November 27, 2022).

DeLong, W. (2022) The Wilhelm scream is the most famous two-second soundbite in all of film, All That’s Interesting. All That’s Interesting. Available at: (Accessed: November 27, 2022).

Tales, T.O. (2020) Orcs can be intelligent, lovable creatures too : Long-time DND stereotype challenged by Explorer’s Guide to wildemount, All Things DnD Official Homepage | Dungeons & Dragons. Available at: (Accessed: November 27, 2022).