Hull, United Kingdom

Final Story Draft & Storyboards

Change In Direction

Originally I wanted to do a comparison-style animation which would involve myself In High school & myself now in university, however, since writing the screenplay for my university animation featured in this post, it became clear to me that I wanted to focus solely on this animation rather than splitting my time, because the newly created screenplay resonated so much with me that I thought It was worth devoting all my time to it.

The Ruins Animation

After I wrote my initial draft of the story, I revised it into a version that had mostly camera movements & script which looked suitable to me, but I was advised that I should write it more professionally by making it written like a screenplay which made it look more understandable & cleaner.

My story has 3 Adventures that have been tasked with investigating a set of ruins that appeared out of nowhere, these ruins are hiding a secret & they need to find out what it is, however they run into problems from hordes of monsters that appear out of nowhere where did they come from? that’s what they need to find out.


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I have made the decision to scrap the storyboard, for now since I spent more than a few days trying to create an Animatic storyboard but with no real success, my attempt at comprehensive camera movement resulted in my failure from improper timing & lack of focus, I spent an entire day just fiddling around with trees trying to get it to be perfect but this was a mistake on my part since they didn’t even amount to what I wanted in the first place.

I tried to abolish large animation movements from the characters & instead just have key actions that would show exactly what was written in the screenplay, but my lack of understanding when it comes to timings is what brought about my downfall so, in the future, I want to record myself doing all the actions & timing myself so I have an accurate account of how it should be done.

X-Bot & Y-Bot (Mixamo, 2022)

Ruins Referance Pictures

My animation’s key focus will be on the ruins that appear out of nowhere & I plan for the ruins to be overtaken by the forest so that it blends into the environment, It also needs to have a large door that leads to a set of stairs which lead underground, so I looked up some reference pictures of ruins what have been overtaken by nature as a reference point to get a clear picture of what they should look like.


Artstation – overgrown ruin, Adrian Campos: Overgrown, Ruins, fantasy landscape (2019) Pinterest. Available at: (Accessed: December 7, 2022).

Lapetina, A. (2015) 12 incredible ruins you can easily visit, Thrillist. Available at: (Accessed: December 7, 2022). 2022. Mixamo. [online] Available at: <> (Accessed: December 7, 2022).