Hull, United Kingdom

Category: Proposal

Final Story Draft & Storyboards

Change In Direction Originally I wanted to do a comparison-style animation which would involve myself In High school & myself now in university, however, since writing the screenplay for my university animation featured in this post, it became clear to me that I wanted to focus solely on this animation rather than splitting my time,…
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Research & Extra Information

High school Year 8 Animation Year 8 Projects I was advised to look into other Year 8 projects starting with animation and what I found was nothing to do with the specific year so I had to diversify into just high school animation projects, I didn’t happen to find much apart from a short animation…
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Motion Capture, Addons & Sound Packs

Motion Capture A full-fledged motion capture rig costs anywhere from 5k to 100k making it way outside my price range, however, I plan on getting a motion capture system for under £200, This cheap and dirty motion capture system will consist of 1-3 Xbox Kinects the more I have the more accurate the animation will…
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Useful Sounds For My Animations

Both of my animations will need sound effects to bring out harmony between the visuals and the audio, to that end I will be looking on (Freesound 2022) for some of the sounds that could possibly be helpful and I will explain why. I plan to make some of my own sound effects & thanks…
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University Year 3 Animation Characters Once I decided on the classes that I wanted to use for the 3 characters I used DnD character sheets to create the basics of what my characters will be, This site DnD Beyond (Staff, D&D beyond 2022) is where I can easily create the character sheets without too much…
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Character Class Overview & Possible Year 8 Characters

University Year 3 Animation I have decided that I will need 3 characters in total, not including monster characters, These three will be my adventurers which means I will need to make some brief backstory for each one, as well as appearances & colour palettes before I make & sculpt them in Z-brush. The reason…
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Year 3 Planning & schedule

At the start of year 3 we were asked to pick a supervisor & one of their proposed projects for our end-of-year module & the one that fit the direction I wanted to go in specialises in audio which I will use a lot in this module, alongside this module we were handed two additional…
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2023 Animation Ideas

For my 2023 animation, I know that I would like to create a battle sequence however since I only have seven minutes of screentime, I can’t make the battle too long or it won’t have any story, at the same time I don’t want to just create seven minutes of dialogue as that would create…
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Music Referances

For my Year 3 Animation, I will need two musical scores, one cinematic & one battle music both of these being composed in a large dramatic orchestral style, I am looking for someone to compose these pieces for me & to help that person I have included some examples of the type of thing I…
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Overview Of my FMP

In this final year, we have a very important module that will span the entirety of the school year, so the work that is put into this module should reflect the amount of time it will take to complete, refine and hand in the assignments associated with the module but before any of that we…
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