Hull, United Kingdom

Category: University Year 3 -Suspended-

Year 3 Planning & schedule

At the start of year 3 we were asked to pick a supervisor & one of their proposed projects for our end-of-year module & the one that fit the direction I wanted to go in specialises in audio which I will use a lot in this module, alongside this module we were handed two additional…
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I didn’t start planning what I’m going to do each week till around week 3 and during that week I listed everything I needed to do on Trello and started hammering out each one of them, For DST (Digital Storytelling) I made my story and started the storyboard this week. Week 4 was hard for…
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Character Overview

In my story, I will have 4 Key Characters that will be the center of attention for the entire animation these include: Martha the wife of the dead commander Nicholas The dead commander O’neill The commander who employed the necromancer Agathor The necromancer Martha (Mixamo, 2022) Martha 35 years old 2nd wife of Nicholas she…
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Story Asset List

I need a list of assets for my story and since I will be focusing on animation and asset creation I won’t have time to make my own characters however I will be making most of my own assets for the animation and any I don’t will be fully referenced since I can use found…
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Revised Storyboard

After I took the previous storyboard to my tutor and got some feedback, it apparently needed to be revised as the story drew too much from an extended universe rather than being self-contained, which seemed to be the main problem so I aim to fix it with a revised storyboard. To self-contain the overall story…
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Story & Storyboard

So my decision to create a fantasy story animation about a necromancer who is viewed as evil, only because of the type of magic he uses rather than being evil himself This is the key part of the story and I must get the point across when making the animation. To achieve a good understanding…
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2023 Animation Ideas

For my 2023 animation, I know that I would like to create a battle sequence however since I only have seven minutes of screentime, I can’t make the battle too long or it won’t have any story, at the same time I don’t want to just create seven minutes of dialogue as that would create…
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Influences And References For All Modules

VFX REFERANCES This page contains reference examples of magic from various animes & these will help me create my own Visual effects for every module this year since I am planning on it being Magic heavy, I’ll keep this page updated with new references as the year progresses. OVERLORD (Overlord, 2015) (Overlord, 2015)…
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Music Referances

For my Year 3 Animation, I will need two musical scores, one cinematic & one battle music both of these being composed in a large dramatic orchestral style, I am looking for someone to compose these pieces for me & to help that person I have included some examples of the type of thing I…
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Overview Of my FMP

In this final year, we have a very important module that will span the entirety of the school year, so the work that is put into this module should reflect the amount of time it will take to complete, refine and hand in the assignments associated with the module but before any of that we…
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