Hull, United Kingdom

Category: Visual Effects

Magic Fight VFX Final Video

Blender tutorial – freezing effect W/ Geometry Nodes (2022) YouTube. YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: January 19, 2023). Create easy hexagon grids in Blender 3.0 Geometrynodes! (2022) YouTube. YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: January 19, 2023). Effectors and guides | blender mantaflow part 6 (2020) YouTube. YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: January 19, 2023). lotsalote…
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Spell Circles Progress

Test Circle Before creating a whole host of spell circles I needed to quickly test how to make the circles glow & change colour inside blender, so I whipped up a simple circle inside photoshop and tested it inside blender as you can see I managed to turn it blue and glow even if its…
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VFX Testing, Progress & Assets

Assets I Will Need For VFX I will need a bunch of assets to make the animation two of which have already been talked about in the story, storyboard & animatic WordPress post those two assets are the characters I will be using from Mixamo the rest of the assets will be created by me…
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Story, Storyboard & Animatic

Story & Script I created a story based on my initial idea where two characters fight to the death streetfighter style I named them both in the script, So I knew one of them needs to win & this would make it clear as to which one does what, These characters are named steve who…
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My VFX Project

Project Overview For my VFX project, I am planning to make a magic Fight scene in Blender using the same kind of style that Streetfighter, Dead or alive & Tekken use, a 1 on 1 fight between two characters that results in one of them dying and the other being the victor. The 1 –…
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