Hull, United Kingdom

Category: Year 1, Term 1

Post 13: Merlins Desk Creation

Merlins desk was the third asset I made and it was heavily influenced by a stock photo I found (Limited, 2020) since I liked the look of the overall shape and proportions of the desk in the photo so using that as a reference I set about making the desk. The first thing I did…
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Post 12: Merlins Lecturn Creation

The lectern was the second asset I made but its design had no real inspiration other than its basic structure which was a base, a pillar, and a top so I just built a design from the ground up being completely random while doing it. I kept working on the shape of the base and…
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Post 11: Round Table Creation

The first asset I wanted to make out of my 10 was my hero asset which was the round table that the knights sit around and it had massive inspiration from a reference image I found on the internet which was from a tv series called once upon a time (Round Table, 2020) and it…
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Post 10: Textured Merlins Book Of Spells & Merlins Ring

Merlins Book Front View Merlins Book Spine View Merlins Book Side View Merlins Ring Full View Merlins Ring Zoomed View Merlins Ring Whole View Merlins Ring Gemstone View

Post 9: Alchemy Equipment & Scrolls

Alchemy Equipment 1 View 1 Alchemy Equipment 1 View 2 Alchemy Equipment 1 Zoomed View Alchemy Equipment 2 View 1 Alchemy Equipment 2 Zoomed View 1 Alchemy Equipment 2 Zoomed View 2 Alchemy Equipment 1 With Background Alchemy Equipment 2 With Background Candle Full View Candle Zoomed View Flask View 1 Flask View 2 Hourglass…
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Post 8: Textured Aurthers Crown, Excalibur & Knight’s Swords

Aurthers Crown Side View Aurthers Crown Top View Aurthers Crown Bottom View Excalibur Full View Excalibur Hilt View 1 Excalibur Hilt View 2 Sword Variant 1 View 1 Sword Variant 1 View 2 Sword Variant 2 View 1 Sword Variant 2 View 2 Sword Variant 3 View 1 Sword Variant 3 View 2

Post 7: Textured Merlins Desk & Merlins Staff

Desk Top Side Front View Desk Top Side Rear View Desk Bottom Side View Desk Draw View Desk Draw Zoomed View Desk Potion Holder Desk Draw Handle Desk Book Holder Merlins Staff 1 Merlins Staff 2 Merlins Staff Top Section View Merlins Staff Bottom Section View

Post 6: Textured Round Table & Merlins Lecturn

Round Table Top Side View Round Table Side View Round Table Top View Round Table Bottom View Round Table Rock View 1 Round Table Rock View 2 Lecturn Top Front View Lecturn Top Rear View Lecturn Bottom Front View Lecturn Bottom Rear View Lecturn Top Rear ZOOMED View Lecturn Middle Rear ZOOMED View Lecturn Base…
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Post 5: Merlins Book Of Spells & Merlins Ring

Merlins Book Top View Merlins Book Spine View MErlins Book Paper View MErlins Ring Full View Ring Top View Ring Bottom View Ring Side View

Digital Installation Prototype

This is my Bridlington prototype presentation