Hull, United Kingdom

Category: University Year 2

Comparison of small multiples

Textures are a great way to view small multiples as they are all the same shape but what’s in them is always slightly different from each other this is a great example of “simultaneous two-dimensional indexing of the multiplied image, flatland within flatland” (Tufte 1990 P.78) each of these square textures is made from 32×32…
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Introduction / Use of colour

The environmental animation will be used to show how we impact the environment and will be targeted towards large companies that do a lot of environmental damage to show them that what they are doing is harmful but it can be changed for the better and to do that color will be used heavily as color…
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Creation of Abalon & Final Renders

Abalon The creation of my character Abalon was at first a confusing one because I didn’t know where to start or how to start building them I first needed to learn the Zmodeler brush as I was not really sculpting a character and more of modeling one since it was a hard surface robot that…
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Shapes And Color

My character is going to be as you might already know a robot that has gained sentience however since it was a military peacekeeping robot it needs to convey strength, power and reliability so my character will be mostly made up of squares and triangles rather than circles as those two shapes are what characterize…
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Getting Started With Zbrush

Learning the basics of zbrush It was from tutorials provided by the university as well as ones on youtube that I started off learning Zbrush at first I was just getting started with the basic sculpting Brushes such as Clay buildup, Move, and crease to create random looking creatures to mostly get used to using…
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30-second presentation

Character Brief -Abalon

A character type brief in the style of a military document there have been parts that were redacted these parts do have actually words in them however for the sake of the brief they have been redacted but I will share a declassified version as well just to show i put more thought into it.…
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Tufte’s Theory of Micro-Macrocosm

The last of Tufte’s principles is Micro/Macro readings which is the most fundamental but also the easiest to understand and to quickly paraphrase Tufte micro/macro design blurs together into one big Idea but on closer inspection resolve into smaller ideas that on their own can stand together (Tufte, 1990, P.43) take this image of the…
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Tufte’s Theory of Layering and Separation

The fourth principle of Tufte’s Envisioning information is Layering and Separation and for forests, everything blurs together and intertwines as “Forests are complex adaptive systems in which properties at higher levels emerge from localized networks of many entities interacting at lower levels, allowing the development of multiple ecological pathways and processes” (Ecology & Society, 2020).  A…
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Tufte’s Narrative over a Specific Time within a Specific Space

The next excerpt is all about telling a story onto flatland and detailing time which can be done in many ways  “Painting four-variable narrations of space-time onto flatland” (Tufte, 1990, P.97). Life cycles are a great way to show “a smooth escape from flatland” (Tufte, 1990, p.110). They detail all the information in one image from…
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