Hull, United Kingdom

Category: University Year 2

Tufte’s Comparison of Small Multiples

Comparisons of small multiples is the next entry in Tufte’s Envisioning Information and it is all about how we can see things all at once “Small Multiples reveal, all at once, a scope of alternatives, a range of options” (Tufte, 1990, p.68). Small multiples are usually used to “display many variables with less risk of…
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Edward Tufte’s Theory of Colour

This new project will be focusing on Tufte’s 5 principles from Envisioning Information In a specific subject area and I have chosen to do Environmental Animation mainly focusing on forests and how they affect the environment as our main producers of air. Color is used to convey many things other than just looking good “Human…
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Z-Brush Work

Basic Z-Brush Learning While learning the basics of  When I was asked to learn how to use Z-spheres and create an animal with them I decided to create the Reaper Leviathan from Subnautica since I thought it would be a simple structure to create and i think it turned out quite well from a short…
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