Hull, United Kingdom

Category: Professional Practice & Development


Looking back on it now this project could have gone better I myself do not work well in a team as much as it seems like I might, my teammates are good at what they do but are a bit reclused when it comes to working together in a sense, we are all loners but…
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Design Process

The execution of this project was not the best and there was a lot of confusion however I created a lot of materials for this project that took a lot of time to make so I could not get to all the assets on my list but I got the majority of them created since there…
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Leadership & Teamwork

Our Team is a well-oiled machine mostly because we know each other quite well so we know what each other is going to do before we do it which is a wonderful way to work our team will be organized by our leader Kyran who is stepping up to the plate for the first time…
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Village & Forrest Assets

I knew the next assets I needed to make would be houses for the village and for these I needed new  materials that were not RED instead I chose normal wooden colors but I still used the original Red wood template and added extra colors and changed the originals to be brown I made a…
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Shrine Extras

After I made the original shrine assets I realized I needed some more just to pad out that area so one of the first things I wanted to make was on the asset list that I got from kyran and that was a Chozuya (Sengen Shrine: Chozuya, 2022) and upon googling it I instantly saw…
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Organisational Skills, Schedules & Planning

Planning the project was no easy task it was essentially a pipeline that we were making we would have to keep handing work around to each other so the next person could make what they needed to make the first thing we would need to do was decide upon the actual project which we eventually…
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Shinto Shrine, Rocks & Tori Gates

I created a list of assets I needed to make to hand off to my teammates and the first set of assets would obviously require textures and so I hopped into substance painter to create some of those. The first one I made was a mossy rock texture which I used by combining a bunch…
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Individual Role

The project will be a 3d game that will have a Japanese Edo period style to the whole thing and the game will have a built-in 2D card that will be used to battle enemies and bosses to progress in the world and for it I will be the one creating all the 3D assets for…
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Psychometric Testing

We were giving this sheet to fill out while we were watching The Good the Bad And The Ugly being played by the Danish National Symphony Orchestra to help us with the creation of out-groups I managed to get the Soprano in the balcony since I like to stand out and be alone while doing…
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