Hull, United Kingdom

Category: Team Project

Village & Forrest Assets

I knew the next assets I needed to make would be houses for the village and for these I needed new  materials that were not RED instead I chose normal wooden colors but I still used the original Red wood template and added extra colors and changed the originals to be brown I made a…
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Shrine Extras

After I made the original shrine assets I realized I needed some more just to pad out that area so one of the first things I wanted to make was on the asset list that I got from kyran and that was a Chozuya (Sengen Shrine: Chozuya, 2022) and upon googling it I instantly saw…
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Shinto Shrine, Rocks & Tori Gates

I created a list of assets I needed to make to hand off to my teammates and the first set of assets would obviously require textures and so I hopped into substance painter to create some of those. The first one I made was a mossy rock texture which I used by combining a bunch…
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