Hull, United Kingdom

UV Unwrapping

This week we were tasked with UV Unwrapping the low poly crate we had made previously and since I already possess the knowledge of why we UV unwrap and how to do it all I really needed to learn this week was where the tools are and which tool does what. I did watch the…
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Substance Designer Dirt Tutorial

To start learning Substance Designer I decided to follow there tutorial series on YouTube ( I Won’t go into massive detail on what I did and what everything means because It looks very confusing for anyone that does not know what’s going on but I will mention some stuff and explain, however. The first thing…
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Animation Challanges Project

I spent 10 days since my last post I working on understanding some very important things for animation and while I have the basic knowledge of these things now I still have a lot of things to learn so that I can make it all better and one of those things is obviously making a…
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Female Mesh Project

Following on from the last post I have made massive progress towards completing this project however there are a few things I got hung up on or was not able to complete mostly due to lack of knowledge in the subject area but they were the most advanced things anyway and one of those things…
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Update And Random Projects Post

So I did a few small things over the week and I started 2 projects one which is just a small side one I will do if and when I feel like it but lets start with the small things. I did this small little creation a little while ago no idea what it is…
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Basic Rig Learning Project

Since I got way in over my head with the last project because I did not have a good understanding of how to actually do that project I tried to think of what I wanted to do for the next project and I honestly didn’t know what to do next but after a day or…
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The Nightmare Of A 1:1 Scale Project

This project is something I thought I could do but was way in over my head about and all I really have to say for myself is that I didn’t have enough knowledge to complete this project it was taking far to long to do anything and in the end, I scrapped the entire project…
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Learning Basic Sculpting Project

After completing my Rose_Orion_Cannon I set out to start learning sculpting full of optimism and excitement I began with some of Grant Abbitt’s sculpting tutorials the first one taught me the basic brushes and how to start sculpting it didn’t matter about the anatomy of what I sculpted. Link to the original post on WIX:…
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Orion-Rose Cannon Project

After making a poll on Twitter I started a new project in which I promised to make some cool-looking weapons since that was the winning vote of the poll and over a 10 day period, I only created a single weapon instead of making more than one. Just like my last project which was the…
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Sci-Fi Doors Project

once I completed the “Kitchen” project I wanted to challenge myself again so I moved onto creating something without using any references or tutorials other than my own sketches/drawings and the ones I chose were from quite some time ago of these 4 Sci-Fi Doors and hatches. (Not important but still) Normal people would make…
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